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Der Grüne Faden 

...lenkt das erlich Team schon seit Anbeginn von erlich textil sicher durch alle Unternehmens-Gezeiten und ist bei uns seit Gründung 2016 Imperativ. Gemeinsam arbeiten wir daran, mit erlich einen bleibenden und nachhaltigen Impact zu schaffen: Als kleines Modeunternehmen, das sich der eigenen ökologischen & sozialen Verantwortung stellt.  

This impact report is just as imperfect as we are. But whenever we see an opportunity to make things more sustainable, fair and efficient, we'll do it. For us, every step matters, and sometimes even small progress is a reason for us to celebrate.

- Bene, CSR Managerin

This impact report is just as imperfect as we are. But whenever we see an opportunity to make things more sustainable, fair and efficient, we'll do it. For us, every step matters, and sometimes even small progress is a reason for us to celebrate.  

- Bene, CSR Managerin

In our impact report, we not only focus exclusively on our sustainability activities, but also report on developments within the company over the past two years – on achievements, but also on one or the other odyssey.

Here you can find our complete 

Impact Report  

*english version coming soon!

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Enjoy diving into the world of erlich.
 Find the complete Impact Report 2020/2021 here: